Following in the footsteps of fellow brother bloggers, trying to keep everyone updated in my life as well.

Monday, September 11, 2006


Melissa and I watched United 93 and it was difficult to watch, but felt that we should. It is easier to just forget the incredible tragedy, is it not? Unfortunately, I believe our natural selves cause us to block it out rather than enter into it. Being in the helping profession, I must enter into these types of tragedys, but my resistance is often the same. Henri Nouwen wrote in Wounded Healer, (I have paraphrased this) "how can we expect to help those who are hurting if we have not entered into it ourselves."

9/11 was a unique tragedy in many ways, but one particular way was the response given to those who had lost a loved one. Many (I can't speak for all) recieved numbers of letters in efforts to console and numbers of people connecting them to the right help. This is a tremendous aide in the progress of healing.

But what about those among us who have lost much and have not recieved such consoling? The abused child who wishes he could tell someone of his torture but if he or she fears that their lives will be in greater danger. Or what about your neighbor who you know is hurting, but is completely isolated from anyone?

We probably all know someone who could use our aide, but it seems that we too often blind ourselves to their pain. 9/11 will hopefully teach us how to help console those around us. With movies such as United 93, we have a tougher time avoiding the suffering that is so present in our world.

If we could only all enter into the pain together, I believe that our world would reflect more of the kingdom of God and reflect less of our alienation from it. - Just some thoughts...hope we can all remember 9/11 well today.

Another quote -- Jesus is with us today -- from Henri Nouwen
"The master is coming-not tomorrow, but today, not next year, but this year, not after all our misery is passed, but in the middle of it, not in another place but right here where we are standing"


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