Following in the footsteps of fellow brother bloggers, trying to keep everyone updated in my life as well.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

You Cannot Lose His Love

You may lose your appetite
Your guiding sense of wrong and right
You may lose your will to fight
But you cannot lose my love

You will lose your confidence
In times of trial, your common sense
You may lose your innocence
But you cannot lose my love

Many things can be misplaced
Your very memories be erased
No matter what the time or space

You cannot lose my love

I have been looking forward to writing more about this post, as the heart of Sara Groves song, You Cannot Lose My Love, has been at the heart of my journey of defining who I am. In my mind, I know the verses in Scripture that say how much God loves me, but trying to know it in my heart, now that has always been a struggle. Carl Rogers said that knowledge and experience are completely different things, almost unrelated. If only I could know how much he cares - I know that I would make better choices and trust more in His goodness.

I am also still on my journey toward working my client's through their own development with identity. For so many of my client's, the roads of theif lives is met with so many questions, frustrations, and trials, and traumas. Their experiences are telling them that they are not loved, not cared for, but often that they are hated. Of course, while I have also experienced some of these experiences, mine do not compare.

So the obvious answer for their treatment would be to put to introduce them to a Godly father who loves them completely...who takes their beat up and wounded hearts and holds them in His loving hands. Oh, if I could only point them in that direction!

But what for those who do not believe in a God. Life's hurts and traumas often give us a scewed view of not only ourselves, but of God. And then you add in a family that has never ackowledged God. Therefore, a number of obstacles seem to surface for the non-Christian.

Therefore, in counseling children and adolescents, I am constantly trying to figure out a way to let them know that they are incredibly special beyond what they could fathom, but do so with a language that they can understand. I am still on this path of being able to effectively help form youth's identity.

On the road through Christian Psychology integration... hopefully more thoughts on this later.


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